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Få besked hvis annoncen bliver aktiv - Kingdom Denmark - Infomedia site

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Site aims to attract people and businesses - There are no expenses.

On our site you will find information about life, leisure and work in Kingdom Denmark, and if you are a company representative, you will learn about business, investment and technology development.

The site aims to attract people and businesses to the Kingdom of Denmark for the development of the Kingdom and its popularization throughout the world.

 To the world better and more learned about the way of life, relation to nature, about the history and existing innovations in these countries (Kingdom of Denmark).

Økonomiske nøgletal

Earn on the site can by placing ads from Amazon, other online stores or shops operating in Denmark. You can earn extra money by advertising a business that operates in the Kingdom of Denmark. The most popular areas of business are IT, FinTech, CleanTech, HealthCare, BioTech. One of the possible directions of development of the site is also advertising local hotels and restaurants.You can make a separate page on energy-saving technologies in Denmark. Open a blog on any of the topics of the site. You can add a small online store for souvenirs and other attributes of the Kingdom of Denmark.


Site provide information people interested in finding a job in another country or want to open their startup, will tell where to go on a trip. An international business or investor will find out where and how to open a business or where it is better to invest, learn new technologies about the development and use of clean energy.


The site has a page on Fasebook.
Google Analytics is used to promote the site.


There are no expenses now. Domain and hosting paid until December of this year.


The site is aimed at attracting people and businesses around the world.


Information site about the Kingdom of Denmark. A popular online store of souvenirs and paraphernalia for people and for business.


I will provide comprehensive assistance to the buyer. I will be constantly available by email. I will tell you in what other areas you can develop the site. For the development of the site, I will also give my page (Broer i Danmark).

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Udbudspris 6.900 DKK