Profitable and Scalable Wind & Solar Energy Spare Parts Business

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Your Next Step in the Renewable Energy Sector: Step into a profitable, scalable, and industry-respected business with

About the Founders: was co-founded by two industry specialists:
- Mark Lee:
With a robust background in renewable energy, bringing deep industry knowledge and supplier connections.
- Valdemar Cross:
A young entrepreneur and technical specialist who developed and streamlined the systems that power the business.

Why Stands Out:
1. Efficient, Scalable Systems:
We’ve avoided the complexity of platforms like Business Central and NAV. Instead, our simplified, highly capable systems are optimized for scalability, making day-to-day operations smooth and cost-effective.

2. Strong Supplier Network:
From major suppliers like Vestas to smaller, direct sources, we’ve built an unparalleled supply chain to ensure maximum profitability for our clients. Our trusted network includes partners who can also refurbish high-demand components, creating even more value for our buyers.

3. Established Client Relationships:
Included in the sale is our exclusive access to an extensive client base. With strong relationships in Texas and partnerships across major U.S. wind and solar farms, including the recent addition of EDF Canada, is perfectly positioned for growth across North America.

The Opportunity: is ready to scale. This is a turnkey business opportunity that includes a reliable foundation, streamlined systems, and an expansive network. Both founders are seeking to transition the business due to other professional commitments, making this an ideal acquisition for someone looking to make a significant impact in the renewable energy industry.

Økonomiske nøgletal

All sales we have a margin on 10-25%.
We have a profit margin on 17,6% inkl. a big trip to germany to a wind event.


  • Omsætning:135.000 DKK
  • Ebitda: 20.102 DKK
  • Resultat før skat: 24.682 DKK
  • Balancesum: 46.646 DKK
  • Afkastningsgrad

  • Overskudsgrad


Produktet is a thriving, profitable business built on years of industry expertise combined with youthfull technologies and systems , supported by a strong network in the wind energy sector. Since inception, it has consistently generated profit and is now positioned for new ownership to scale it even further.


All our customers pay Ex.Works. And therefor there is no expenditures on freight and Insurance on shipments.
We have very little monthly costs and use a warehouse hotel to keep our work and expenditures down.
We only have a few expenditures every month to website hosting and inventory/CRM systems.


We dont have any assets. Since our customers pay up front and we there dont need to keep inventory.
We have build up a safe company where there is minimum to no risks. Its a company build on the work you put into the company = The profits that comes out.

Sælger tilbyder finansering

Finansiering udbetaling:
50.000 DKK
Finansiering løbetid:
24 måneder
Finansiering renter:
10 %
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Annonce oprettet den:
Udbudspris 449.000 DKK